Saturday, August 31, 2019

French And Indian War DBQ Essay

For decades, the French traded with the Indian tribes. This move created a civilized alliance with the Indians so that they could have a new region to claim as New France. Precious beaver furs was the main selling point. Soon enough, tensions rose whenever Pennsylvanians and Virginians decided that they also wanted to lay claims on this new found frontier land. This led to massive conflict between the colonies and ended up being one of the most brutal massacres in history. This is also known as the Seven Years’ War. The French and Indian war changed the relationship between the British and American colonies. By seeing this land as a way to enhance each’s wealth and power they would go to no extent to reach their goal, no matter what the consequences were. The French and Indian war changed the perspective of British and American colonies in about every way of economically, ideologically, and politically. Politically it effected the colonies by republicanism, ideologicall y because of independence, and economically through the taxation. In document one, the colonial power in pre-war 1754 started out as evenly disputed throughout North America. Some of the colonial power over certain parts of North America were shared between Great Britain and the French before the war. Then, the power in post-war 1763 looked as if the British had almost total control of North America. The only parts it didn’t own was Louisiana and Texas, which was owned by the Spanish. The great gain of control in power and expansion of territories for Britain led to more responsibility. When the British began taking over politically, they started changing government by wanting a republican system over the English monarchy. Document four states how the colonial militiamen were denied access to the clothes and or supplies they needed, even though they were Englishmen born, they were not the regular British. These colonial men were being held under the British powers. It was time for these men to leave to go home, but they were not yet allowed to leave. They swore to do no more duty for them while they were there since it was there time to leave, which then caused conflict because the British wanted to still have power over  them. Document three begins to talk about George Washington’s loyalty to his king and country and he has respect for his new commander General Braddock with such great experience and abilities. After the General got shot during a battle George Washington is declared to be the leader. He later on signs a treaty written in French, even though he cannot read or speak French, and by signing that treaty he is tricked into confessing that he killed a commanding officer. The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war in 1763, according to document five. The Treaty of Paris also made Britain more powerful because Britain became the sole leading political power. The colonists praise that the threat of enemies were removed and they can begin to enjoy the freedom. Even though the Treaty of Paris ended the war there was still war expenses that were enormously expensive that made the victory less sweet because those expenses were hanging over them. 1763 the national debt doubled in Britain whenever Pitt started in office. According to document five, the British Order in Council believed that the revenue coming in from America was less than enough and insufficient. The council was saying that they needed to create a larger revenue to keep the military protection over the colonies. Also, that if new territory came along and the population expanded they would need more oversight, which costs even more money. To get the revenue needed to pay debts the British begin to enforce mercantilist policies. The trade was beginning to be regulated as required to bring in more money. To show more authority the British took greater control over the colonial Government’s affair and gave them little to no control over it. Economically, the British were in control of all revenue due to the major need of revenue to help pay the debts and they were determined to do whatever it took to get the money. In 1765 The Stamp Act was created to raise greater amounts of revenue. The Stamp Act was a tax on all paper that was required for official documents like newspapers, court documents, licenses, ships’ cargo lists, etc. It required an attached stamp for proof that the tax for it had been paid. In 1766 a worldwide resistance towards The Stamp Act evolved to try and repeal the unfair tax. Document eight begins talking about how Benjamin Franklin tells John Hughs that he is working in hopes to repeal The Stamp Act. Franklin still wants to obey the laws and avoid punishment, but he knows hostility will be shown toward the political system from the colonists. Document seven shows a cutout from a  Pennsylvanian newspaper during this crucial time in 1765. The newspaper shows rebellion by using skull and cross bone symbols to describe the times as dreadful. The newspaper leaves a place for the stamp but fills it with a skull and words that said â€Å"An emblem of the effects of the STAMP, o’ the fatal stamp.† The newspaper puts the article in the shape of a tombstone to represent the death of colonial government’s rights. The newspaper encourages the people to take a stand and rebel against The Stamp Act to bring it to an end. In conclusion, The French and Indian war was a battle between the English and French for power over colonies in North America. This battle is well known as the Seven Years War. This results with problems occurring economically, politically, and ideologically. No real winner was made from this battle because even though the British won they were in enormous amounts of debt that they couldn’ t pay off. This debt almost crashed the whole English government. The British started off by gaining power over most of North America after the war, but didn’t realize the complications that came along with it. Next, they began to make America pay revenue to help the British pay off their debt and pay for military protection services over the colonies. Finally, the Stamp Act was introduced to the colonies to tax them on official papers and this was also to help get more revenue. This caused a widespread up rise of people who did not agree with the unfair tax on paper. Tempers were flared and the peoples’ limits had been pushed far enough because of this debt. Debt was the main cause of rages within colonies, which then lead to the bursting point, known as the Revolutionary War.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Response to Decolonizing the Mind

In â€Å"Decolonising the Mind† Ngugi Wa Thiong’o makes the call to African writers to begin writing literature in their own languages, and to make sure that literature is connected to their people’s revolutionary struggles for independence from their colonial regimes. He begins with the historical meeting he was invited to with his fellow African writers in Kampala, Uganda. In this conference, writers who wrote their stories in African languages were automatically neglected.He also continues to point out about how English and other European languages are assumed, until today, to be the natural languages and unifying forces in both literature and political views among African people. For instance, to explain his point, Ngugi uses Chinua Achebe, one of the major African writers, who embraces the use of an English Language in his works. Ngugi quotes â€Å"For me (Achebe) there is no other choice, I have been given the language and I intend to use it† (Achebe , 62).Finally, Ngugi concludes that writing in African languages is a necessary step toward cultural identity and liberation from centuries of European exploitation. Firstly, I support Ngungi’s claim that an educational system that focuses and embraces only foreign works, such as language and culture is destructive: â€Å"Thus language and literature were taking us further and further from ourselves to other selves, from our world to other worlds†(266). Obviously, there is a need to create a literature that embraces the real African experience starting from the perspective of the locals, not the intruders.The local language is an integral part of conveying that experience, this is simply because much of the local tradition is preserved in that language. For example, Ngugi insists that stories and songs are effectively passed down from one generation to the next through oral (story-telling), and the fact that both the story teller and the listener are interested and inv olved in the conversation. Therefore, the benefits of embracing and working in the local language and within the local traditions bring the entire community together.Secondly, I support Ngugi’s view that colonialism has deemed African languages unworthy of use – both by the colonizers and the colonized. He explains how a â€Å"cultural bomb† was dropped on Africa so the minds and consequently the resources of Africans were controlled. In my view, not only colonizers understand that it is not enough to take over Africa with guns alone, but they also need to take over the mind of its people through language and the fine education they offer through that language.This is seen in the schools where European languages are idolized, in the streets where African languages become synonymous with the language of the peasantry, and at the prison cells were those African writers who choose to stay true to their mother tongue are held. I strongly agree about Ngugi’s c hoice to write only in Gikuyu rather than English language: â€Å"I believe that my writing in the Gikuyu language, a Kenyan language, an African language, is part and parcel of the anti-imperialist struggles of Kenyan and African peoples† (267).He reminds me my native country, Kenya, and Kamba is my mother tongue, so if I choose to write in Kamba as Ngugi did, I will not be doing something abnormal. It true that â€Å"imperialism† has turned African people’s minds upside down: African people view abnormal as normal and normal as abnormal. For example, Europe and America became rich and continue to get rich from using both Africa’s natural and human resources, but African people are made to believe that they cannot become poverty free without European and American intervention.Therefore, Ngugi’s decision to abandon English completely in his writings and embrace Gikuyu in attempt to align himself with the people (Gikuyu-speaking population) is one s tep toward cultural identity and independence from European exploitation. I also agree with Ngugi that colonization is not simply a process of physical force rather â€Å"the bullet is the means of physical subjugation, and Language is the means of the spiritual subjugation†(265).In Kenya, colonization propagated English as the language of education; as a result, oral literature in Kenyan indigenous languages gradually faded away. This is devastating to African literature because, as Ngugi writes, â€Å"language carries culture and culture carries, particularly through orature and literature, the entire body of values by which we perceive ourselves and our place in the world†(267).This means that Language as culture, it expresses and carries the culture of people; therefore, it becomes the storehouse of its images, ideas, wisdom, experience and history. It ties me to my people and becomes part of who I am. And finally, language as culture, it shapes how I look at the w orld and myself. Lastly but not least, I think â€Å"Decolonising the Mind† is an integral to understanding an anti-colonialist struggles. Europe and America view colonialism in terms of the most visible aspects of a nation, namely its leadership.People fail to see and recognize the long-term effects of colonialism, such as the widespread poverty. Decolonizing the Mind reminds me of another aftereffect, specifically, the domination of language by the Western World. In a sense, the language barrier enables social apartheid where legal separation is considered anachronistic. By dominating African languages, and asserting the superiority of European ones over them, Western nations, including some African nations, do perpetuate a system where educated whites rise to the highest.As a result, native Africans resign to the working classes and peasantry. This domination of language effectively prevents any native African from rising into intellectual ranks because, as Ngugi puts it, the use of European languages splits African soul in two, forcing him to give up his roots if he wishes to climb the social ladder. Work Cited Currey, James. â€Å"The Language of African Literature† Decolonising the Mind: The politics ofLanguage in African Literature. London: 1981. 263-267

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Big Fat Tax Analysis

In the article â€Å"Big fat tax is no gut buster† author Susie O’brien attacking the new tax on the fast food industry. By the opening slogan, â€Å"DON’T tax the big mac† she asserts her position on the tax. Written in bold the slogan immediately catches the eye and as it cleverly rhymes is very memorable. The author continues in cementing her standing on the issue by saying that a junk food tax is not the answer and the rhetorical question that, â€Å"why should reducing our weight start with our wallets? Her target audience with this piece would be those for the tax as she argues that there are downsides to a tax on fast food as well as alternatives that could be better. The image plastered in the centre of the article shows a man made of fast food. It relates to the subject of the article yet despite the amount of greasy fast food also seems appetising. The author also states that she is definitely for helping overweight Australians however that a fa t tax is not the answer.We see colloquial language which creates a feeling of comfortability with the author when she states a fat tax is such a, â€Å"one-pronged solution† whilst also dismissing the idea as small-minded. The tone she has written in persuades readers to agree as she says, â€Å"it (government) can remove every damned junk food vending machines from gyms, sport club houses and schools. † The power in which the author says this makes her statement a real rallying point as if she is part of a protest.Whilst loaded language like â€Å"damned† and the rhetorical/loaded question of â€Å"why do so many parents reward kids for playing sport with a packet of chips? † This sentence gives readers who do this a sense of guilt whilst those who don’t may find it amusing. She then goes on to give the audience someone else to blame for their fat with the rhetorical question of, â€Å"Why not start by cracking down on irresponsible food labellin g? She continues on with fact and research as she states that all our foods are, â€Å"choc-full of toxic ingredients like saturated fats, trans fats, palm oil and high-fructose corn syrup, which is one of the leading sweeteners in food, but is very hard for the body to effectively break down. † This makes the author seem knowledgeable on the subjects which can persuade readers into trusting her as she clearly knows what she’s talking about. The author gives many alternatives to a fat tax which seem simple to impose as well as logical to reducing obesity rates.The author proposes ideas such as setting up safer pedestrian walkways so that people (especially kids) may walk to places such as the local shops/schools. Inside these alternative solutions she can now turn it back on the fat tax by using loaded sentences such as, â€Å"Why does every social solution seem to involve taking money out of my pocket and putting it into Treasury? † as well as, â€Å"In short, if it (the government) wanted to, it could stop this problem in its tracks. But instead it's being told merely to increase taxes.Talk about punishing the victim. † The author befriends her audience and makes it seem like she’s one of us/on our side so that it persuades readers to come round to her view. Her use of rhetorical questions makes readers come to assumptions that she wants them to. Whilst also giving them someone to blame in the government alluding that they are simply out for out money. Her powerful final sentence, â€Å"So let's forget fads like tax on fast food, that will just make takeaways more expensive and will do nothing to change the way people live their lives.Let's do more to change every single day to make life healthier for everyone. † leaves readers with a sense of duty and that the author’s aim is simply to help us, the people persuading us to be against the fat tax. Susie O’brien uses rhetorical questions and loaded langua ge to coax readers into making assumptions about the government and the fat tax. Clever slogans and imagery helps her arguments be memorable as well as logical. She creates someone to blame as well as alternative solutions which makes a fat tax seem small-minded. This persuades readers to agree with her postion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plagiarism - Essay Example Plagiarism is considered an academic crime in academic settings. There is no school, college, or university anywhere in the world that does not discourage the act of plagiarism. The reason is that plagiarism is an academic crime that violates the rules and ethics of creative writing. Such detection tools are available that can easily detect whether a student has copied something from somewhere or not. As Sumerset states, â€Å"with plenty of tools that can spot copied, repurposed or coopted text, attempting to plagiarize other people's material can be an exercise in nothing but getting caught red-handed†. Some colleges and universities even expel such students who commit the act of plagiarism. Such strict standards discourage students from doing any kind of plagiarism in their personal essays and reports. Let us now discuss the ways one may plagiarize in his/her papers, reports, and other documents. How One May Plagiarize Plagiarism is basically of three to four types. Sometim es, writers do not even know that they are plagiarizing or not. However, when they get the results, they get to know the fact that they have plagiarized unknowingly. The best way to detect the occurrence of any sort of plagiarism is to use some plagiarism detection software that can check whole document for plagiarism. One of the main ways a person can plagiarize is by forgetting to put direct quotations within inverted commas. Use of inverted commas for direct quotations or sentences from web and non-print sources is a basic rule regarding plagiarism. Some people forget this rule and commit plagiarism. For example, if a person copies a sentence from somewhere and pastes it in his/her own paper without putting the sentence within inverted commas and mentioning the name of the author and the page number at the end of the sentence and in the references page, it will be plagiarism. Another way through which a person can plagiarize is by changing the words of the copied sentence thinkin g that changed wording does not cause plagiarism. It is true but for short sentences. Sometimes people try to write whole paragraphs using their own words and in the same order of sentences. However, they do not mention the source of the paragraph at the end of the paragraph. This is called paragraph paraphrasing and is plagiarism if not cited properly. Sometimes people just change the order of the words of the copied sentences. They are not aware of the fact that changing the order of the words does not change the original wording of the sentence. This is called Mosaic plagiarism, which occurs due to lack of knowledge of referencing rules (Rajeev). For example, if a copied sentence is ‘A mouse was under the table’. Now, if a person changes it to ‘Under the table was a mouse’, it will be mosaic plagiarism. Ways to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism is an act of cheating which not only harms a student’s creative writing ability but also affects the reputatio n of the institute if the paper of the student is caught for plagiarism at any platform. One can take ideas of others for writing a report or any other document but he/she should always mention the original source of that information or ideas in order to make the use of those ideas legal. Moreover, it is not sufficient to mention the source of the information only within the text of the paper. Failing to include complete reference/source in the references page also results in plagiarism. Some

CJUS 330 DB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJUS 330 DB2 - Essay Example This is through hiring public defenders for them. The government ensures that traditional public defenders get paid so that indigent defendants get representation in court. Though not established in the constitution, it is paramount that the government provide defenders for the destitute, free of charge. The expenses incurred will be catered for by the government (Neubauer & Fradella, 2010). This is as the agreement between the parties dictates. In order to maintain the indigent defenders’ rights and privileges, one has to be aware of what they are going through (Howell & Yedid, 2003). They must be going through difficulties since they cannot raise an attorney’s fee when the need arises. Understanding people can put one in their position, and thus, represent them as they are supposed to be. In conclusion, it is imperative that all those in positions that can help others play their roles as required. If they cannot perform these basic functions, then they should not be in these powerful positions. The rights and privileges of individuals may be maintained through the observation of some of the laws that do not necessarily protect the rich. In doing this, everyone might end up benefitting from the justice system (Howell & Yedid,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CAMPBELL KEYBOARD CORPORATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CAMPBELL KEYBOARD CORPORATION - Essay Example As a result of the nature of the order, Ingborg proposed two options for the quotation. The first quotation was to be based on the worth of the entire job which Plum Computer was willing and able to pay Campbell Keyboard. This proposal would therefore be in principal, a fraction of the payment made to Campbell Keyboard. Consequently, Smith had to disclose the value of the job to Ingborg so as to come up with a quotation price for the RF transmitter. In my opinion, this proposal meant that Smith would disclose vital information by revealing the worth of the job. By so doing, Ingborg would have tied the cost of the RF transmitter to the whole value thereby attaining a higher price. Attaching the cost of the RF transmitter to the value of the whole job would not be realistic as the transmitter is being purchased by Campbell Keyboard, thus Ingborg should not be concerned with the contract in place between Campbell Keyboard and Plum Computer. Smith should therefore not agree to this propo sal since it not only reveals information on a contract with a client but it is also an expensive option due to it being a percentage of the entire value of the job. The second proposal from Ingborg was for $33 per hour straight time and $40 for overtime based on the actual hours spent on the job. This proposal is more realistic as the cost is based on the amount of hours that Ingborg put in the production of the RF transmitter. In my opinion, this is the best proposal of the two not only because the cost is based on the work done but also because it would be cheaper than the first proposal in the long run. This option is also better for negotiating on the side of Smith since the cost per hour can be negotiated lower than is stated by Ingborg. Although it would be difficult to ascertain the exact hours worked by Ingborg, Smith has more leverage in this proposal than the previous one. Are there any other choices open to Smith for arriving at an equitable agreement? Smith can research on the market charges by the other firms and use the average as a basis for negotiating. The market prices for the three other sources could be essential to coming to an agreement. Even though the three other companies were not in a position to handle the order due to time constraints, Smith can still get the cost they would charge on making the RF transmitter and use the average during the negotiation with Ingborg. By so doing, Ingborg would realize that Smith has knowledge on the on goings in the market thus giving Smith a bit of leverage during negotiations. Another option available to Smith is giving a counter proposal that is based on the cost of producing the RF transmitter that Campbell Keyboard has incurred in the past. Campbell Keyboard also produces RF transmitters but due to the time limitations in place for this new order, it is difficult to manufacture hence the need to outsource the product. Therefore, in order to come to an equitable agreement, Smith can use the cost of manufacturing the RF transmitter that Campbell Keyboard has incurred in the past and use it as a basis for negotiating with Ingborg. By doing this, a relatively fair price can achieved on the side of Campbell Keyboard and an equitable agreement can be arrived at. How would you have handled the procurement if you were Smith? If I were Smith, I would invite proposals from companies who could make the RF transmitter within the time frame and specifications needed, to bid for

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organisational change management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organisational change management - Essay Example Such moves, however, may not be successful in ensuring the company’s progress. The Case Study D2, the auto components producer, introduced change due to external pressures such as competition from other auto parts manufacturers, and the financial recession that resulted in fewer customers. In response to these external pressures, D2 made some immediate changes to counter the down turn in revenue. To cut costs, the company stopped manufacturing some of its components while increasing the production of others in specific sites. The company also made the decision to close down its UK Plant because it contained archaic manufacturing technical gadgets. Moreover, the company’s management is yet to divulge the new changes of the impending closure of the UK Plant to its employees. It is a fact that the workers based at the UK plant in Didcot will be shocked by their discharges because they are expecting continued business operations with even more investment or capital being di rected into the operations there. It also has not deigned to share the new strategies with the firms remaining employees. Only the higher ranking managers are aware of the strategies. Most researchers tend to first evaluate organisational change through the input of Kurt Lewin’s Field theory. The field theory asserts that all businesses exist in an active though constant state. To sustain this balance, businesses are compelled to make changes in reaction to forces that affect or influence the business’s field (Burnes 2004). Lewin’s model seeks to prove that most of the time, any kind of organisational change will be gradually realised. Moreover, when a company is experiencing a crisis, any organisational changes it decides on are quickly implemented. The field’s theory states that when an organisation ahs to realise changes on a fast pace, it has to ensure that there are corresponding powerful forces working to see the needed changes become an accepted pa rt of the organisation’s functions (Burnes 2004). The theory also asserts that there is a need to ensure that there is a dissuasion of any efforts that encourage the organisation’s status quo to remain. Lewin’s model asserts that, when there is gradual change in an organisation, the necessary steps will take place in three stages: (i) The old, archaic and ‘accepted’ business operations or ways of doing things must be ‘unfrozen’ or removes altogether so that the coming changes can be allowed to take hold without any competing functions making the process difficult. In the ‘unfreezing process’, an organisation’s management will examine why the change is necessary while also looking into facts that exists and which might impair or assist the changes that will be suggested. The management will also encourage workers to think as they do about the necessity of incorporating changes in the organisation in order to improve i t. (ii) In the second stage, movement, the organisation starts to change its behaviour. These shifts in behaviour usually occur after the organisation’s personnel understand the how different options of change will work and have selected their preferred method of change (Cameron and Green 2004). In most organisations, the process of change is supervised or overseen by a specialist such as an organisational development practitioner. (iii) In the third stage of the field model, refreezing, the organisation generates structures and functions to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

America Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

America Identity - Essay Example   This essay focuses on the evolving nature of the American identity as well as discussing immigration issues, racial equality, diversity, assessing the nation’s failures and successes in these fields. While pursuing my undergraduate level, we were asked by our lecture if we were second generation Americans. The term â€Å"second generation Americans† had never occurred to me in my previous experiences, let alone connect with my individuality before, but it certainly applied to me (Foundation Kelley, 1). I learnt that, apart from out of roughly thirty students in my class only two of us were second generation Americans. The rest of the students were like the parental side of my family. A lot of American people perceive that the American creed as the key of American identity. The American Creed outlines the representation of the principles of liberty, equality, identity, representative government, and private property. Individuality is a complicated matter, particularly because it is such a flawed theory (Foundation Kelley, 1). Personal identities are always fluctuating and unstable as we have past familiarities and mirror upon our past and present circumstances. We do different individualities around different people and it becomes unbearable to agree. For instance, my name varies subject to what the crowd of people I am with. When am with my college friends, they know me with a different name from my High School and work friends. The most critical aspect with regard to my American identity is the fact that, my founding parents were immigrants. However, this has constantly made me feel more American. My founding parents move here from their place of origin have always made the melting pot more factual to me. I’m confident that if they had been immigrants to somewhere else, I would be a much different person compared to now. Growing up hearing, listening and knowing another language

Saturday, August 24, 2019

USPS Hard and Soft Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

USPS Hard and Soft Technology - Research Paper Example The intention of this study is United States Postal Service, commonly abbreviated as USPS, as one of the widely used postal service company in America. USPS is a semi-independent organization functioning under the executive arm of the United States Government. Its headquarters is located in Washington DC, but the company has branches and offices in all major cities around the world. The company’s sole purpose is to provide reliable, efficient and cost effective postal services to both domestic and international clients. Domestically, USPS picks and delivers mails and parcels for as low as $0.49. Shipping duration lasts approximately 2-3 days. Internationally, charges cost as low as $6.50, depending on location of shipping address and urgency. Currently, the postal service company delivers packages to 180 countries around the world. Additionally, USPS provides insurance for parcels in domestic and international markets. In order to ensure efficient service delivery and financia l success, USPS employs the use of relevant hard and soft technologies in operation. Succeeding sections of this paper involves examination of technologies used, plus corresponding technological barriers experienced by USPS. Vehicles features as one example of hard technologies used by USPS in both domestic and global markets today. In the past, USPS predecessor used cruise missiles to deliver letters and other packages to different destinations. However, USPS failed to adopt the idea of missile use; rather, the company adopted the use of conventional automobiles.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Principles of learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Principles of learning - Essay Example Constructivist theorist belongs to the third category, which believes that the learning abilities of students are influenced by prior knowledge and information on the same topic (Brauer & Tittle, 2012). In this paper, learning theories will be discussed in relation to Petra, a polish child living and studying in the United Kingdom with his parents. The paper will discuss the relevance of the learning theories according to her concerns and the strategies that the family and the school can adopt to support her learning process. A number of learning theories have been developed that enhance the process of educating children from different family background like Petra in this situation. According to the sensory stimulation theory, the process of learning can only be effectively achieved if all the senses of the student are stimulated. Laird who noted that the information held by adults has been learnt through seeing first developed this theory. As seeing accounts for 75% of all the information held by an individual, hearing accounts for 13% while smelling accounts for the remaining ratio (Sammut, 2014). This highlights the essence of stimulating the senses during the process of learning before actual information about facts that have been recognized by the sensory nerves can be discussed. As a student undergoing a challenging moment because he is in a non-familiar country and setting, the sensory organs of Petra are less involved in the learning process and this affects her information absorption and retention. As the learning process continues, Petra is absorbed in thoughts about her family and her mother country and this affects her cognitive ability to grasp the information being discussed by the teachers in class (Brauer & Tittle, 2012). By using the sensory simulation theory, the teachers of Petra will engage all his senses in the discussion and enable him to forget the memories of his country and family and focus on

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Most Influential Nba Players Essay Example for Free

Most Influential Nba Players Essay He would travel back and forth to school in a town called French Lick, where he excelled at basketball at an early age. Bird was a key component in his high schools basketball team, where he was the leading all-time scorer by the time he graduated in 1974. Larry Bird was drafted by the Boston Celtics with the sixth overall pick in the 1978 draft. The Celtics gave Bird a contract worth $3. 25 million over five years. Birds new contract made him the highest paid rookie in the history of team sports at that time. Bird averaged 21. points per game, and averaged 143 steals and 2,955 minutes per season played. He led the Celtics to 3 championships and was also awarded MVP (most valuable player) 3 times. After helping the Dream Team to Olympic glory, Bird announced his retirement from the game of basketball in 1992. Bird ended his career with 21,791 points, 8,974 rebounds, and 5,695 assists; he was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1998. Shortly after his announcement, he became an assistant coach with the Boston Celtics. At the end of his career Bird was making $23 million a year (Larry Bird Biography 1,2). Michael Jordan was an influential player in high school and in the NBA in the 1980s-1990s. He was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. In 1975 Jordan enjoyed playing baseball and was on the little league team, leading them to the Little league World Series. Jordan was an exceptional pitcher at an early age. It wasnt till an older age when he realized what a good basketball player he was. In the Summer of 1984, Jordan made his first appearance at the Olympic Games as a member of the U. S. Olympic basketball team. In late 1984 Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls and led them to six national championships. He led the league in scoring with an average of 31. 5 points per game. Chicago recorded 61 wins, and Jordan then turned in one of the most dominating postseasons in NBA history, averaging 31. 1 points, 6. 4 rebounds, and 8. 4 assists per game. He became the first player since Wilt Chamberlin to score more than 3,000 points in a single season. Jordan was awarded MVP eight times, received NBA Rookie of the year award, and was selected for the All-Star Game. Jordan invested between $10 million and $20 million to become part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats in 2006. He was named the teams Managing Member of Basketball Operations. Bobcats majority owner Robert Johnson sought Jordan for his basketball knowledge and management skills. In 2010, Johnson sold the team to Jordan. The sale made Jordan the primary owner of the Bobcats. Jordan was making $90 million a year at the end of his career (Michael Jordan 1,2). LeBron James has been an influential player in his high school and in the NBA from 2002-2013. LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984 in Akron, Ohio. James also had a tough childhood with his dad leaving him and his mom. He showed a talent for the sport of basketball at an early age and was known as a prodigy in high school. LeBron James attended St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio. As a freshman, James averaged 18. 0 points and 6. 2 rebounds per game, leading his team to a 27-0 record and a Division III state title. He started off his career on the Cleveland Cavaliers. He is now currently on the Miami Heat averaging 29. 7 points, 8. assists and 7. 3 rebounds per game, and he was selected to his sixth consecutive All-Star appearance. James became the first player since Oscar Robertson to have at least 40 points, 15 assists and 13 rebounds in a regular season game. James scored his 20,000th career point on March 13, the youngest player in NBA history to achieve such an accomplishment. LeBron has been awarded the MVP award 4 times and also is the youngest player to win the Rookie of the year award. At the end of this year James will make 60 million (LeBron James Biography 1,2). Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James are some of the most inspirational and energetic players in the NBA. They never lost the thirst to succeed and the preservation to win. They will go down in history as the definition of competition at its best. Through tough times and tragedy, they never gave up and pressed on. The reason for their well-known success has been nothing short of hard work and determination. Their will to win, has motivated many athletes and non-athletes alike to set goals for themselves and to reach them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Condom Use and its Myths Essay Example for Free

Condom Use and its Myths Essay In the first summary of a peer reviewed article, an article was found called Sexual Coercion, Verbal Aggression, and Condom Use Consistency among College Students. The journal in which this article was found is Journal of American College Health, Vol. 59, No. 4 pp.273-280. The greater hypothesis of this article was the staggering coalition of sexual coercion, which is the forcefulness of people to use peer pressure, alcohol, or other measures to get their sexual desires met. The intent of the article was also very strong with the condom use numbers amongst its research group. Which, this author finds to be the important statistic and what the final draft will be based upon. The research that was conducted in the article was from a mid-sized college in the south eastern United Sates. The authors and researchers got together 600 undergraduate students and asked them questions based on the relative research. Questions like, I insulted or swore at my partner?, I used insults to make my partner have sex, I know that if my partner is drunk enough they won’t make me use a condom, etc. A large number of questions and evidence were conducted; however the staggering number was the condom use numbers from freshman-senior. The number declined at a rapid rate. Proving what I was trying to hypothesize†¦The older you get, the less condoms are used. As previously stated 600 people were chosen at random, 150 freshmen, 150 sophomores, 150 juniors, and 150 seniors. They were all emailed the survey, and only 148, roughly 24.7 completed them. This makes the research style survey or questionnaire. The staggering result from the research was that 30.4% of the surveyed students used condoms all the time, where 26.7% reported never using any means of protection. The authors of the article offer a few hypotheses about their research, which are â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Being Victims of Sexual Coercion Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Being Victims of Verbal Aggression Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å" Alcohol Use Will Be Associated With Episodes of Sexual Coercion and Verbal Aggression† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Using Alcohol Before or During Abusive Episodes Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). The second of our articles if from the world of the â€Å"Google leavened† media, and the source for our article is Reuters. In this article author Julie Steenhuysen describes the current numbers of sexually active teens to their adult counterparts, and their condom use statistics. When the article starts with, â€Å"U.S. teens are not as reckless as some people might think when it comes to sex, and they are much more likely to use condoms than people over 40, according to a survey released on Monday that could help guide public health policy† ( Steenheysun, J. 2006). it has to be good. The research used in this article is from sex researchers at Indiana University and paid for by Trojan condom maker Church Dwight Co. At first glance this author didn’t see anything staggering wrong with their choice in researcher, but after some examination and the article lack of tables, or any other information made this author think. Is this data accurate, and who were the constants in the survey pool. Some of the evidence this article gives us is, â€Å"Condom use is higher among black and Hispanic Americans than among whites, and is lowest among people over 40, the nationally representative Internet survey of 5,865 Americans aged 14 to 94 found† (Steenheysun, J. 2006). â€Å"Only 14 percent of 14-year-old boys reported any kind of sexual interaction with a partner in the prior three months, but almost 40 percent of 17-year-old males did†(Steenheysun, J. 2006). â€Å"In this study, somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of adolescents reported condom use at their most recent vaginal intercourse† (Steenheysun, J. 2006). There were other statistics pertaining to our topic but we will leave that at that for now. In this article there were no conclusions or hypothesis about the data, but it is clear that the data (as un researchable as it is) did speak for itself. Indeed there is a correlation between adolescent condom use and that of adults. Scholarly Articles vs. Popular Media In the world of the internet and all other forms of media blasphemy the facts and lack thereof can be very twisted and exposed in ways that make them seem more legitimate. While in reality most of the articles and sources found in popular media are just words with no backing vocals. Both of the articles had similar information; however the articles differ immensely on how they present there evidence and the facts themselves.

If We Were Superheroes Philosophy Essay

If We Were Superheroes Philosophy Essay I always grew up looking up to superheroes, I loved super heroes. They saved the world more than once and always had a solution for a problem, but what they never do is give up, something that we as teenagers and adults still havent learned. Just imagine, what Saturday mornings would look like if our superheroes gave up? Someone would say LOOK! A HUGE asteroid the size of TEXAS is hurling toward Earth! Help us Superman and he would say I seem to be having a difficulty day-you see global warming has caused the hole in the ozone to release kryptonite and I am just not up to it! Nowadays if we encounter any problem that we feel we cannot endure, our 1st option is to give up and quit. Author Johnny James said, in his book Never Give UP à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We must have a strong determination to persevere unto the end. The race is not to the swift all the time, nor is the battle to the strong. When it seems as though there is no need in even trying again, this is the time that we should never g ive up. In order for us not to quit we must first look at why we quit, some asteroids that do come our way and some super spidey solutions to help ourselves from making this decision. As a freshman, high school was going to be very different. New people, new school, and new challenges to face, being called a fish, bullied and the list goes on and on but I was unaware of the circumstances where my only option given, was to quit. I clearly remember close friends of mines telling me that I wouldnt be able to do well in debate. My first response was very rude including a couple of colorful words that could easily get me disqualified. Yet, I realized that the answer was not to quit, but to try even harder and try to accept that there is room, room for improvement. Quitting would only stop me from growing. So, I tried harder and did improve tremendously, and I had a great year. Even though Im nowhere near the best, I smelled a sense of accomplishment in the air and thought to ponder, why do people give up? The answer was pretty simple. The reason why we quit is simply because of the fact that we think we are unable to survive the circumstances ahead of us, but the stren gth to fight is inside of us. We just refuse to unleash the beast and let the green hulk take over. Instead, we sit there like people who have nothing better to do than to eat in front of their televisions and decide that the rest of the world doesnt exist. As Frank Lloyd Wright had once said I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. The 2nd riches man in the 1900s once said, It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities. Superheros have taken their responsibility and fulfilled it to its fullest extent. However we choose to dodge our efforts and decide to stop trying. Walt- Disney was turned down 302 times before actually being financed, and look at the success that Walt Disney has reached today! One of the greatest men in history, Albert Einstein didnt do great at first either. Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and didnt read until he was seven. His teacher described him as mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams. He was expelled and refused admittance to Zurich Polytechnic School. The University of Bern turned down his Ph.D. dissertation as being irrelevant and fanciful. Imagine what would have happened if he did give up? You must believe in yourself-even if all those around you doubt you and in your ability to rise from within the insanity in which your life now finds itself and to stand tall against the obstacles and challenges within your life-and you will conquer all that you believe cannot be conquered and all that which you believed you had lost within your life. When we give up, we are a failure. Giving up on everything you have is going to leave you with nothing at all. In the same book I mentioned before; Author Johnny James stated once again, Those who give up in the race are never rewarded because quitters are never rewarded for quitting. Like the superheroes had a solution for every problem, there are some super spidey things we can do not to quit and truly achieve. Author Christine McGogy, in her aricle6 ways to never give up, gives us six step-by-step instructions, on how to not give up. The first thing to do, is keep an open mind, when you keep an open mind, you allow yourself to be open to more ideas, Once you say, I quit you basically are closing off your mind from any more ways to getting closer to your end result and having any breakthroughs. The 2nd step is trials and errors, you have to remember that you made an effort and tried, if you didnt like your result, you should try to change your actions, to get a better result. The 3rd thing to do is to is to realize that the questions, are the answer, When you run out of ideas its time to start asking [yourself] question Questions such as what can I do differently or what else can I do to improve myself. For extra effectiveness, try writing the question(s) down. Ask yourself the questions before you go to sleep at night and often times the answers will come the next day as your brain had time to think about it while you were sleeping! the 4th step is Guidance, Who can help you? Is there somebody that has already achieved the same goal? Find them and ask them what they did to get there. Asking doesnt cost anything. And guess what, chances are these people werent always doing great at first. The difference is that they kept going however small the action seemed at the time. Once you have the determination to persist until you get what you want, you will become more confident in yourself as well. She also reminds us that according to the 5th step, to make sure we arent making up excuses to stop ourselves from making this decision. And last, but not least, Picture it! In order for your goal to actually be a reality, can force you to zoom past your comfort zone, but keep focusing on the benefit of your goal to push yourself further along. Take a minute whenever you feel overwhelmed and DREAM about your goal! I have personally thought about quitting speech and debate because of many reasons, but when I sit back and think about my dreams, it just encourages me to try even harder. Walt Disney always said, If you can dream it, you can do it! Problems come and go in life but we, like the superheroes, should face our problems and find a solution no matter how big the problem is. By giving up we dont unleash the beast within, instead we unleash the wimp within. We hide and runaway-thinking things will be better, but they always end up following us, wherever we go. Superheroes are the coolest, smartest, and most wise people you can ever find. Despite them not being real, they give us real guidance. They do the most extraordinary things and teach us great lessons, some ranging from believing in you to never quitting. I encourage you to always keep an open mind and never give up There are a million reasons for you to quit, but if you can find one reason not to quit, dont make the decision. Some asteroids will come our way, but they wont destroy my Saturday morning, in stead my Saturday morning will be about my dream, my hopes, and ultimately my will, my will to never give up; even in the hardest of times.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Coming of Age in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn :: essays research papers

Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn presents the problems of a young girl coming of age, a time when she is faced with new challenges and must overcome obstacles. Throughout the book the protagonist, Francie Nolan discovers herself maturing as she struggles with loneliness, the loss of innocence and a life of poverty in a Brooklyn slum. This theme is evident in (1.) her love for books which she uses as companionship, (2.) her outlook on the world as she matures and finally, (3.) her realization that in order to succeed in life she must obtain an education and work hard to do it. One of the biggest challenges Francie faces while growing up is loneliness. As a young child living in a Brooklyn slum, Francie has no friends her age. The other children either find her too quiet or shun her for being different because of her extensive vocabulary. Betty Smith describes how most of Francie's childhood days are spent: "in the warm summer days the lonesome child sat on her stoop and pretended disdain for the group of children playing on the sidewalk. Francie played with her imaginary companions and made believe they were better than real children. But all the while her heart beat in rhythm to the poignant sadness of the song the children sang while walking around in a ring with hands joined." (106). Francie is lonely, and longs to be included. As Francie matures, she begins to experience a different kind of loneliness. Betty Smith portrays her feelings as she observes her neighborhood: "spring came early that year and the sweet warm nights made her restless. She wal ked up and down the streets and through the park. And wherever she went, she saw a boy and a girl together, walking arm-in-arm, sitting on a park bench with their arms around each other, standing closely and in silence in a vestibule. Everyone in the world but Francie had a sweetheart or a friend she seemed to be the only lonely one in Brooklyn without a friend." (403). Loneliness is a constant challenge for Francie but it is through her loneliness that she finds a new companion in her books. Francie reads as an alternative for her lack of friends and companions. It is through her love of reading that Francie develops her extensive, sophisticated vocabulary. Her books lead her into maturity and help her learn to be independent and overcome her many hardships.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Change For the Better Life changes in an instant. One day you’re just playing with your friends and the next your whole life is ending. The events that happen in a person’s life changes how they are as a person; it can either make them a better person or destroy them. In the novel The Separate Peace Finny grows as a person as the story progresses on, he faces tough situations that reveal he’s inner self. In the beginning of the novel, Finny is an outstanding athlete, friendly, and he is able to talk his way out of any tough situation he gets himself into. He is a type of person who will do anything he wants when he wants; he’s carefree. â€Å"I was beginning to see that Phineas could get away with anything† (Knowles 18). Finny is adventurous, he comes up with things knowing the risk of him getting in trouble is high. â€Å"Finny’s life was ruled by inspiration and anarchy, so he prized a set of rules†(Knowles 26). He almost lived by his own rules, he did what he wanted, what made him happy. He is also quite innocent making him naà ¯ve. â€Å"Finny had deliberately set out to wreck my studies† (Knowles 45). He doesn’t do anything intentionally; he actually thinks so highly of his friends, that they could never do any harm to him. â€Å"No I just wanted to see if I could do it. Now I know. But I don’t want to do it in public†(K nowles 35). In the quote stated, his athletic skills really show and so does his innocence. He didn’t need the whole school to know that he beat a swimming record; him knowing was the best satisfaction he could have. In the midway of the novel, Finny’s life takes a turn and goes downhill from there. Sports are a big part of his life, without it, half of him is basically gone. â€Å"Sports are finished for him, after an accident li... achieved; when one is able to forgive someone who was set out to ruin their life. All in all, tough situations that a person goes through either make them or break them. In the novel The Separate Peace innocence vanished from Finny. The situations he went through made him understand life better. That life isn’t always full of happiness; there are bumps in the road. He had a harder time accepting that because his life was amazing in the beginning and he didn’t expect it to take a turn that he nearly lost himself. Along with the things he went through he grew as a person; the lost of his innocence made him see things clearer; that there was bad sides to some situations. Finny saw that when Gene confesses that it was his fault that he fell off the tree, but he is mature about it because he was able to forgive Gene. That’s one thing he never lost though, kindness.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Art Throughout History Across the World :: Artists Pablo Picasso Egypt France Essays

Art Throughout History Across the World From stick figures in the sand and the earliest animals painted and carved in stone, people worldwide have reacted to the world by making images. The fundamental goal of art, especially in the past, was to convey meaning and express important ideas, revealing what was significant to every society, by arresting images. In recognizing the subject matter of any painting, you have to look at the artist's intentions, which are regularly connected to social conditions, national or global issues and the demands of the public. To avoid the pitfalls of judging all art by our own personal experiences and subjective views, we have to learn the background surrounding the artist when the work was created- the social and historical conditions of the time and the philosophical views which affected the way in which the artist viewed the world. (Russell, 1984) Art is as varied as the life from which it springs and each artist portrays different aspects of the world they know. Briefly, it may be said that artists paint to discover truth and to create order. The creators of art make discoveries about the wonders and beauty of nature and the dignity and nobility of man. They give these concepts an order to help us understand life in a greater depth. In understanding the history and style of any period of art, we have to comprehend the balance between social and political development of that particular era. Within each and every period, development of style is affected by a response to particular philosophies, social and economic conditions, political and spiritual influences. World Issues have been reflected in art throughout the ages, and this premise is supported by three particular periods of time. This is clearly evident when viewing ancient art, where symbolism was an important part of society. Also, through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, where art was a critical form of expression and finally in the modern age of art where even in looking into the works of individual artists, one can get a sense of the feelings and events of the time and the world. Let us now examine theses three periods in detail, to support this hypothesis. If we are aware of meaning of religious, political, or other symbols, it will better our understanding of the frame of mind of the artist. Each piece of art is unique, a reflection of the artist's perceptions, insights and experiences. Certain aspects of the world are often exaggerated, or eliminated,

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Zara for Fast Fashion

In analyzing the case we find that Ezra did not appoint a CIO; had no formal process for setting an IT budget; did not have policies in place to select specific technology investments; required no formal Justification for IT efforts; and did not conduct cost/ benefit analysis for IT projects. All of these elements are critical components to the success of IT and business overall. These shortcomings advocate the fact that Ezra completely belittled the role of IT within the organization and merely used IT as a support function for business.With a completely decentralized decision making strategy and lack of IT [business integration, Ezra created the platform for eventual failure. Because all of the above mentioned are responsibilities of both positioned executives and IT leaders, I am inclined to assert that poor integration is in fact the central dilemma to the case. Because the lack of IT and business alignment sets the groundwork for the additional issues to cultivate, it is signifi cantly more critical than all other noted issues including: updating hardware and software systems; creating internal networks; and the lack of formal IT investment strategies.All of the above identified issues can be derived from the central issue of poor IT and business integration, and therefore makes this issue critical and more significant than the aforementioned. B. ) The individuals and groups who are most directly impacted by the lack of functional business and IT integration include: Inedited/Ezra Owners and Shareholders Sara's executives, store management, and all employees Ezra customers All of the above mentioned stakeholders are directly affected by the poor business and IT integration within Ezra.If Ezra continues to fail to respond to the needs of its store managers the impacts will spread and multiply. In the case Sara's managers ask Slogan for the present systems to include more capability and dexterity. Slogan and the IT department cannot reach a general consensus. As the IT steering committee discusses the theoretical possibilities nothing gets done and time is lost. If time progresses and store management is disregarded, ignored, neglected and unaccommodating to, the result will include Job dissatisfaction, passive aggression to service employees, spikes in turnover and ultimately unhappy customers.Because store managers possess such significant levels of responsibility including: ordering merchandise; replenishing stock; handling personnel; and coordinating store needs, the quality and level of in store experiences heavily depend on the competencies and commitment of store management. With stores being the first and last point of contact for customers at Ezra, the customer experience; level of service; availability of goods and employee interaction is vital for Sara's success.If store managers do not feel equipped to provide exceptional service, the customers will suffer via in store service levels. Customers will be directly affected by S ara's failing leadership by experiencing unpleasant employees, long waits for inventory assistance, and inconsistent information between store locations. As service levels drop, so does reputation, loyalty and sales. If sales go down shareholders and owners loose revenue. Lost revenue creates the beginning of an unhealthy business which directly hurts owners and shareholders.C. ) So what causes lead to the absence of successful business and IT integration? There are several factors which collectively generated the abovementioned central problem. Those which are most important are outlined as follows: Organizational: The â€Å"speed and decentralized decision making approach applied to IT was Sara's first and most fatal mistake. Using this approach Ezra failed to realize the importance of appointing a CIO and subsequently had no formal erection for IT decision making.The authors of our text on page 35 site the â€Å"Global trends affecting the CIO role†. These trends include: Coo's expecting IT managers to manage people, finances and materials not Just technology; Coo's expect IT to contribute to a firms flexibility and ability to absorb change; and that Coo's are called on to take a broader role in corporate leadership. These noted expectations given by the texts authors perfectly contradict every aspect of Sara's current executive and IT relationship.Castellated (CEO) does not have any real expectations of Slogan. Slogan the current IT leader has little or no say in setting budgets; contributing to flexibility; is not solely authorized to select technology; and fears acting for organizational change. With little or no influence in the big picture business strategy Sara's IT department is again classified as an operational support group. Because of this decentralization, business and IT units are â€Å"soloed†, separate and far from integrated.I believe that these factors expose and point to one of the major causes for poor business and IT integ ration within Ezra. Managerial: The problems at Ezra essentially surface from the top down. Starting with the CEO, the company is blinded by what they do right which helps them ignore what is going wrong. The article â€Å"Mastering the Three Worlds of IT† states on page 142 that executives do not know when, where, or how to get involved and the reason is, because they operate without a comprehensive vision of what IT does for the company. MacAfee, 2006) This statement defends my assertion that Ezra executives are currently looking at IT as an operational support function and fail to integrate and strategically place IT within the company. The central problem in this case exists not because â€Å"things weren't broken†, but because no one (CEO or Head of IT) stepped up to the challenge of managing organizational change. Although Slogan was not officially appointed CIO, he was the head of IT, and with this responsibility comes the need to be business intelligent.Slogan clearly did not look beyond his operational role and failed to define the company's IT needs as they applied to business strategy. Slogan failed to push Sara's IT efforts to align with organizational needs and therefore failed as an IT leader which led to the major issues within Ezra. The authors of our text remark on page 36 that IT should be positioned as a strategic and competitive necessity; making sure IT plans, actions and capabilities are clearly linked to company objectives.This simply is not occurring competently or proactively within the organization, as the conversations between Sanchez and Slogan only describe reactions to current concerns. Although Ezra is good at making IT work for them, they fail to see how IT can work with them in the future. I believe that Ezra executives misunderstand the role that IT should be playing within the company and this leads to Sara's inability to arm a long term IT renewal plan tied to business strategy.The fact that the executive and I T leadership teams within Ezra completely disregard the importance of proactive strategic planning and use decentralized brainstorming creates another major cause which leads to the central issue of poor business / IT integration. D. ) What are the possible solutions that should be considered? Solution 1: A more centralized executive decision making structure where IT decision making includes the CEO, COO, SCOFF and CIO Solution 2: Implementation of an IT leadership development program. Solution 3: Demoting Slogan and appointing a CIO with business management experience.So the question is how do each of these solutions respond to Sara's lack of Business and IT integration and alignment? Solution 1 addresses this primary issue on a multitude of different levels. By centralizing, formalizing and collaborating decision making there will be a better sense of understanding and transparency amongst the units. This executive IT cooperation will create uncluttered communication which will r esult in stronger organizational awareness, and allow for clear, concise, definite business strategy formation.Once executives understand the essential business needs the technologies that are required come into play, consequently resulting in the desired business/ IT integration. This solution would be acceptable by Sara's stakeholder because once implemented, a positive domino effect of would occur These IT applications will satisfy the needs of store managers, who will be better able to suit their employees. With the accommodation and satisfaction of employees comes improved customer service levels which equals success for all.Solution 2 responds to the central issue with the implementation of a long term resolution. The incorporation of an IT leadership development program will ultimately cultivate and nourish IT focused individuals and gear them toward business management. The authors of our text remark on page 11 that the most useful thing any IT manager could possibly do is t o push business smarts and tech smarts closer together. With the employment of a leadership development program Ezra will be investing in the growth of individual talents that will eventually be equivalent to executive and IT collaborations.These future IT leaders will emerge with the IT/ Business integration mindset, thus saving he company time and money with ongoing integration efforts. This solution will be acceptable amongst stakeholders because it has potential to cut cost and increase productivity and fluidity of operations. As operations improve employees are more efficient and customers are better served. Solution 3 is a very direct approach of organization reformation. By demoting Slogan and appointing a new IT leader Ezra will gain fresh perspective regarding the role IT needs to play.Since Slogan has a very technical background he hesitates on promoting organization change. The appointment of a CIO will deliver formal dictation and distribution of objectives for IT to pur sue. Because the new CIO will lack personal relationships within the department, he or she will be quick to act and ambitious to achieve. The new CIO will bring general management experience which will reduce the tech / business integration gap and essentially create value for Ezra. Increasing value within Ezra would again satisfy the need of all stakeholders involved. E. ) What is the ideal solution?The optimal solution to solving the absence of business and IT integration t Ezra is solution 2. Through the deployment and development of an IT leadership programs Ezra will ultimately build a continuous supply of IT leadership talent. This solution not only becomes part of the long term business strategy, but assists in the longevity and success of the organization. This solution makes more sense for Ezra because it develops a permanent solution to a variable problem. Solution 1 and 2 are respectable choices however these solutions only temporarily fix the major issues.Solution 1 can easily be effected by executive social cohesion and lack thereof; while elution 2 is volatile due to the nature and fragility of organization reformation and changes in ownership. The implementation of solution 2 will be accomplished by (short term) mapping technologists and scouting talent; (midterm) comprehensively assessing, evaluating and analyzing employees who show promise and potential; and (long term) mentoring, planning, and training individuals to copiously understand the business the role of IT and the necessity of integration.Some potential consequences to implementing solution 2 will include: the initial lead-time for the project to show exults may cost a few years; the necessity to rebuild IT credibility within the company and industry; new amongst seasoned technologist who aren't geared toward leadership; and resistance to periodic shifts in IT leadership as innovative and talented leaders take on new projects or roles.The result and outcome of an IT leadership develo pment program will be the long term success and integration of business and IT functionalities within Ezra. By harnessing technologists and gearing personalities for management positions, Ezra will create huge value and sustainability for itself within the clothing retail manufacturing industry.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Laertes to be cordial with everyone Essay

This line tells us once again that the man who listens more but talks less is more prosperous and successful. He also tells Laertes to control his temper if anyone rebukes him. Even here Shakespeare has used personification as he describes ‘ear’ and ‘voice’ as things that can be given. When he says ‘take each man’s censure’ he is telling Laertes to hear out everybody’s opinion but not to voice his own regarding anything. Shakespeare uses the words ‘give’ and ‘take’ almost everywhere in this speech. Polonius also says, ‘Beware of entrance to a quarrel. ‘ This is an important lesson for Laertes and for the reader too. It is important to Laertes because he is going away to a foreign country where he does need friends not enemies. The word, ‘beware’ signals a warning, which shows us the importance of the usage of this word. The word, ‘entrance’ means starting. It is important it highlights the way Shakespeare highlighted certain actions by using more figurative language. He tries to tell us and Laertes that it is not not not not important not to start a quarrel nor should anyone ‘enter’ a quarrel. This can be compared to the next phrase in which he also tells Laertes to be cordial with everyone. Polonius also asks Laertes to stay away from the common folk when he says, ‘Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. ‘ This line means that he should be familiar with everyone’s habits and thoughts but not be too friendly. He is also trying to tell Laertes to be pleasant with his dealings with people but not to be too cheap among common people. It is this moral value that we can only partly accept and learn. It is correct that we should be pleasant in our dealing with people but the fact that we should not mix with the common people is wrong. It shows us that the higher class of people in the Victorian era did not respect or accept the commoners as a part of society. This is in fact the only place where we have to learn the opposite. We should learn that it is not a disgrace to blend in with people who have less money or less food. We can see that Shakespeare has used a strong word, ‘vulgar,’ in describing the lower class of people. The use of this word shows us the feelings of the aristocrats. It tells us how we should respect all kinds of people however poor they may be. It also adds to the lesson that if he has to stay away from all kinds of quarrels and fights he should be warm and cordial in his dealings with everyone. During the speech Polonius also communicates the importance of saving. This is expressed when he says, ‘Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy For the apparel oft proclaims man. ‘ In this line we come to learn a very important lesson that is even important in our daily lives today. Polonius imparts to his son not to wear any attire that is expensive, extravagant flamboyant ostentatious. He should always be moderate reasonable in his spending and only buy things that are within his limits or that which his â€Å"purse can buy†. We see Shakespeare use of figurative language in this line as he personifies the purse to something that is capable of buying things. However it is important to understand that Polonium also meant for his son to dress well â€Å"For the apparel oft proclaims man† as the quote signifies. Further in the speech, Polonius also tells Laertes something that has become one of the most famous lines in our time. Laertes is advised by his father to be, ‘neither a borrower nor a lender is. ‘ This, of course has a lot of moral value whether it be in the Victorian era or the modern era. It shows us that Polonius tells Laertes to guard against excessive spending. He should never spend money to an extent that he will be in depth and will need to borrow money. He should not even help anyone during their times of need. This shows us that Polonius was indeed a very selfish character and also tries to tell his son to be so too. In a way he is noble also because he lives within the limits of what he can buy and imparts this knowledge to his son. This can be compared to the previous lesson in which he tells Laertes not to buy fancy or rich things so as to spend all his wealth. We can see how Shakespeare links the two ideas to seem as though they are the same. The word, ‘costly,’ in the first idea and the word, ‘borrower’ in the next makes the association. It is important for us to realize the importance of wealth in our lives as Shakespeare does and tries to convey this to us. He also tries to show us the consequence when he says, ‘For loan oft loses both itself and friend. ‘ This piece of knowledge tells us just how one must socialize. It also shows us that borrowing or lending money can be disastrous for a friendship. It is quite obvious that Shakespeare is trying to convey to us the importance of a good friendship that is not plagued by money. Another lesson that Polonium gives to his son is- ‘this above all: to thane own self be true,’ and also says that if Laertes does follow this then he ‘canst not then false to any man. ‘ This piece of wisdom is quite important in society today. It is our conscience that we should answer to at the end of the day and not any one else. If we are true to our conscience then we will be true to everyone around us. Here again Shakespeare stresses on the fact that we should not lie, quite contrary to the opinion that he promotes lying when Polonius tells Laertes to keep silent about certain aspects. This truly displays the way he has portrayed his genius. He manages to tell us to be diplomatic but not to lie. The lessons learnt from these speeches apply to our everyday life also as they highlight how we should act and our moral values and conscience also comes into question here. Both Laertes and Hamlet are loving sons to their parents. In fact Laertes is a foil to Hamlet. Both are young men who have had their fathers murdered and both seek revenge. The difference between them is that while Laertes is hot blooded , active and seeks immediate revenge Hamlet thinks over the moral rightness and wrongness of his actions but the end result is the same-that by seeking revenge, by taking God’s justice into their own hands and by seeking to destroy another human life both young men are killed . So what is Shakespeare’s message and advice to us? Not to seek revenge? Not to take the law into your hands however justified it may be? But to avenge your father’s death and to destroy the murderer of your father, is it not the duty of a son and a matter of honor? This is something that Shakespeare does not give a conclusive solution to. He leaves it to us, people of different societies and different periods to make our choices and decisions based on our moral rules and the traditions and practices and conventions of the society that we belong to. But what Shakespeare seems to underline is that destroying another human life whether justifiably or not will have its consequences. Hamlet also explores the theme of friendship and loyalty. Among the hundreds of young men that Hamlet could have as his friends he finds that only Horatio is to be trusted and valued. He has complete faith in Horatio. It is to Horatio alone that Hamlet confides all his secrets. Even on his return secretly from England after tricking Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; it is to Horatio that Hamlet narrates the whole sequence of events. At the end of the play when Hamlet lies dying and Horatio shows his loyalty to his beloved friend by preparing to die with him â€Å"I am more an antique Roman than a Dane. Here’s some liquor left. † Hamlet lays upon him the duty of clearing his â€Å"wounded name. † He enjoins upon Horatio the sacred task of making the world aware of why and how Hamlet came to meet his end â€Å"If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, Absent thee from felicity awhile, And in this hash word draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story. † In contrast Hamlet’s friendship with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are shown as false and contemptible. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are young men who tried to take advantage of their friendship for Hamlet. They turned out to be Claudius’s spies and professed friendship with Hamlet for self advancement. And so Hamlet when he discovered the nature of the message that they were carrying to the king of England he substituted Claudius’s order with a fake one according to which it was instructed that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern be put to â€Å"sudden death , Not shriving time allowed. † Hamlet shows no regret or remorse for his deed. Infact he declares â€Å"they are not near my conscience. † Thus what Shakespeare is perhaps trying to teach us is that true and loyal friends are rare and precious. They are to be valued and honored. For every true friend that we have we may have double the number of false friends who will plot our downfall if it is to their advantage. Shakespeare’s message is therefore is to be wary of such false friends. â€Å"Hamlet† also contains lengthy discourses on man and how he is in every way the crown of creation. Shakespeare has used his wealth of poetic genius and shows his incredible mastery over poetic expressions when he describes the beauty of the earth and man as an exquisite piece of art. Looking at the star studded sky he waxes poetic. He calls the sky â€Å"This most excellent canopy,† â€Å"Brave o’erhanging firmament,† â€Å"This majestically roof fretted with golden fire. † Man itself is a â€Å"piece of work† that is to be admired and appreciated. Hamlet is full of admiration of this exquisite creation of nature and exclaims † What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form, and moving how express and admirable, in action how like and angle , in apprehension how like a god. † Later in a discussion with Horatio Hamlet talks of who is an ideal man. According to him the perfect man is in whom passion and reason â€Å"are so well co meddled that they are not a pipe for fortune’s finger to sound what stop she please. † Hamlet considers Horatio as such an ideal man and through Hamlet’s intelligent, detailed and perceptive analysis Shakespeare is telling us about how man can become a â€Å"paragon of animals† by balancing emotions and reason. Hamlet is greatly empresses by Fortinbras and his adventures when he is told of how the Norwegians risked the lives of 20,000 men for â€Å"a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name. † Hamlet comes to the conclusion â€Å"Rightly to be great, is not to stir without great argument, but greatly to find quarrel in a straw when honor’s is at stake. † Hamlet’s character changes during the course of the play. Towards the end especially after his violent confrontation with his mother we see the mellowing of Hamlet and how he slowly seems to be at peace with himself. Perhaps it is the fact that Gertrude and Hamlet has reached something of a better understanding that has given him this peace, because after the closet scene we see Gertrude being more supportive of Hamlet. She does not confide in Claudius the truth about Hamlet’s madness that he is not really mad but â€Å"Only mad in craft. † Hamlet acknowledges the presence of a higher power in our lives. It may have been his escape from death not once but twice that has built up a stronger Christian faith in him. He had on an impulse â€Å"rashly, And praised be rashness for it- let us know our indiscretion sometimes serves us well,† opened the official document entrusted with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and made the astonishing discovery that Claudius himself has passed the order â€Å"That on the supervise, no leisure bated, No, not to stay the grinding of the axe, My head should be struck off. † On the same voyage he had escaped death a second time from the hands of the pirates. It is these experiences that had also had a chastening effect on him. Through Hamlet Shakespeare invites us to strengthen out faith in the omniscient when he says â€Å"There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will. † Later in the same scene Hamlet reaffirms this that â€Å"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. † This faith is established when he continues by saying â€Å"the readiness is all† which means that since no one knows what happens after death , it does not matter whether we die early or not. In a way Hamlet was committing himself in God’s hands and he shows an extraordinary wisdom, humility and maturity which are a lesson to all of us. In Act 5 Scene 1 Hamlet is seen in a mood of contemplation with the skull of Yorrick. Through the image of the skull Shakespeare conveys a powerful message. The picture of the young prince contemplating Yorrick’s skull is a universally recognized icon. The singing grave digger has a profound impact both on Hamlet and on us. He is amusing and terrifying at the same time because he is so full of life and so at home with death . His profession is dealing with something that we would not want to think about and very often struggle to make sense of. The grave digger is the one who has dug grave in which Ophelia is to buried. Soon he will deal with Hamlet, Laertes, with the king and the Queen and finally he will deal with us all whether we are somebody or nobody . Thus the grave digger is the assistant of that Great Leveller- Death. Hamlet says â€Å"Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust; dust is earth; of earth we make loam. † Long before Alexander and Caesar, Claudius and Hamlet came into the world. The grave digger was busy and he will be at his work long after their brief exits and entrances. He has been there from the beginning of human history and will be busy until the final trumpet. Thus through the image of the skull and the grave digger Shakespeare presents a reminder to us about our mortality. â€Å"Hamlet† is the longest as well as the most complex of all Shakespeare’s plays. Hamlet the introspective, contemplative, intellectual and highly perceptive university scholar offers us a deep and profound examination into the nature of human life. The play deals with such eternal themes as death, the meaning and purpose of man’s life, the choices that are available to him and the choices that he should be able to make. Shakespeare does not offer any solutions either foe us or for Hamlet’s own problems. What he does is point out the strength and draw backs of each of the choices that Hamlet and we have made or are likely to make. In this way the play is not simply a plot with characters enacting certain specified rules but it is a manual about life providing us with knowledge, information, wisdom and values that would be an education for life through the medium of drama and therein lies Shakespeare’s greatness.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Role of Government and the Relationship Between the Individual and the State

Lara O’Gorman The legacy of an empire is defined by its ability to conquer and make a mark on society. Many people throughout history sought to create empires as a way to establish their power. Often when one looks at the wide spectrum of history, some empires only last a few hundred of years and then dwindle out. After their fall, their legacy does not continue and their history is loss to the ages. Without a legacy, Rome would have ceased to exist, and would not have carried it’s ideals to post-classical civilizations.Rome had a successful and functioning government that help established its power, grandeur, and impressive knowledge of the arts. Within society it is vital to have a dependable and structured government as to prevent uproar and rebellion. The importance of a stable and powerful government is portrayed in the literary work Lord of the Flies and the idealization of political rulers and the subordination of subjects is conveyed through the art pieces the B ronze Statue of the Emperor Trebonianus Gallus and the Marble Portrait of Marcus Aurelius.Rome is remembered as a vast empire that stood above all surrounding civilizations with pride and honor. Rome, at it’s highest point, was thought of as immortal and impenetrable. It was only until the gradual decay of the empire that people thought of it as mortal. Before the detrimental rippling stages of the fall of Rome, powerful rulers and structured government was instilled within the empire. Several of these powerful emperors kept Rome under their rule by subordinating their subjects and by enforcing political unity. Other rulers used tolerance and active roles in society to appeal to their subjects.One ruler, Marcus Aurelius ascended to the throne in 161 AD and was deemed a philosopher king that was different from his predecessors. His philosopher status is recorded through the common depiction of him in a toga and adorning a Greek-inspired beard. He was interested in rational thi nking and tolerated all different sects of religion. Some say that his openness was his downfall and that his optimistic view of all things caused him to allow one of Rome’s worst emperors into his line of heir. Aurelius had an active role in government and did not discriminate against lower class people moving up in the world.He allowed people that were fit for government job, no matter what class, to have a say. This demonstrates his thought on his subordinates and how he not afraid to converse and involve himself with them. His openness is reflected in the calm and composed face of the portrait and how he is wise and is making a noble decision. Marcus was a fierce ruler and a good general, despite Rome’s loss against the Germanic tribes in war. The toga in which is realistically draped over his torso can be interpreted as a general’s attire. The militaristic style of his clothing suggest that he is the protector and is a strong ruler.Marcus lived a life of lu xury and suffered little. His wealth enabled him to surround himself with items of luxury. The emperor of Rome usually had portrait busts of their ancestors within his palace, which communicates the important and high position Marcus Aurelius had within society. The portrait busts were usually idealized, which can be see in the flawless bust that communicates that Marcus Aurelius was a strong, intelligent, and wealthy ruler. A second ruler, whom in contrast used his power and authority to rule his subordinates, ascended to power after the death of Decius in 251 AD at the battle of Abrittus.There, Trebonianus Gallus took on the position of ruling the vast and expansionist civilization of Rome. The troops that Decius led claimed Trebonianus Gallus a suitable ruler due to his familiarity with the government and his influence as a senate member. Gallus, to prevent the Goths from attacking again, signed a peace treaty that stated he would pay yearly tribute to them. To demonstrate Gallus ’ power over his subjects and ability to make executive decisions, the bronze statue portrays his arm are outstretched. This gesture is common with giving commands and looking down upon subjects from a higher point in society.Once Gallus was instated as emperor, he found that his empire had become plague stricken and the Roman population was dropping. To gain admiration from his subjects he buried the dead plague victims properly and spared no expense. This action suggests a confident personality, which is further expressed in the facial expression. Gallus, however, was seen inept in all other political categories. He was indecisive about detrimental political decisions, which greatly affected the state. Due to Gallus’ lack of political leadership, rebellions sparked within the empire, causing Trebonianus to flee to the north with his troops.The facial expression of the statue could also be interpreted as oblivious to his political duties and to the betrayal he would s oon face. With the threat of defeat and possible death lingering over his army, Gallus was killed, along with his co-emperors. Trebonianus Gallus was not seen as a beneficial addition to the empire and caused a plethora of problems, along with a growing feeling of discontent within the empire. The lack of skills Trebonianus possessed called for the end of his life. Although Gallus lacked military skill, his statue portrait is portrayed with the hair and beard style that soldiers favored.This conveys how leaders were idealized as to express authority and the greatness of the empire. When the leader of a united group becomes corrupt and unfit to complete his role in government, the subjects take action into their own hands. If discontent rises, rebellion and removal of power are probable. The mutiny that occurred with the homocide of Gallus, greatly demonstrates the importance of having a competent and understanding ruler as well as how the state is strong enough to react to problems that greatly affect the state as a whole.The fall of the great Roman Empire can be credited to many factors, but what caused the empire to completely corrode was the invasion by barbarians. In 410 AD, the Visigoths were led by Alaric to Ravenna where they soon ransacked the city and caused Rome to finally surrender its title of immortal. Due to the empire being strained prior to the attacks because of corruption in government, loss of tradition, and an unskilled military, it was easy for Alaric to fulfill the prophecy of penetrating â€Å"the city. It was clear that after the invasion by the Visigoths, Rome would not come out of it alive and victorious. The lack of a stable and prosperous government was one of the main factors that enabled Alaric to conquer Rome, which conveys the vitality of a strong government head. Compared to the fall of Rome, the plot of the Lord of the Flies by William Golding further explains why it is essential to have a central authority and how lacking th is political aspect can cause the downfall of a civilization.The 1954 novel discusses the social perils that ensue amongst English school boys once authority is not there to advise them. The literary work commences with the introduction of a tall blonde boy named Ralph that is soon accompanied by the voice of reason known as Piggy. During the time it takes Piggy and Ralph to become acquainted, they both realize that there are no adults on the island where their plane has crashed. They are astonished by this information but they still ask the question â€Å"Aren’t there any grownups at all? † The only reply that can be uttered is â€Å"I don’t think so. At first this information excited them and they become full of independence zeal, but later throughout the novel they begin to realize that a stable figure head is needed in order to have society function properly. Within society on the island, order is centered around a conch shell. This shell has symbolic value of order, normality, and power. Whomever holds the shell has the power to speak and to be heard. Piggy finds the shell within the first couple of stages of the plot and Ralph eventually uses it to signal the other children that were spread around the island by the crash.When all the children gather round the conch, a political issue arises; Who will be leader? Between the two most influential people in the group, Ralph and the chorus leader, Jack, an election is held. To Ralph’s advantage, the children say â€Å"Let him be chief with the trumpet thing. † The children recognize the conch as a centralizing factor and they search for stability in their new lives on the island. As with most empires and groups, irrational actions and discontent began to grow due to fear, anger, and power struggles. Power is wanted by the chorus leader, Jack, who sees himself as the most capable leader.He wishes to be in control, so he seeks the most controlling role within the new society; a hunter. By being the leader of the hunting party, he controls life and death and to whom or what he damages. The fact that Jack becomes this strong blood-thirsty leader enables the group to break away and form a corrupt and independent kingdom on the island. Strife begins to arise and violent actions begin to break out as the quest for power comes to a head. One of the most dramatic scenes in the book is when Ralph and Piggy go to Jack’s fortress in search of peace and unity.This peaceful venture turns into a bloodbath when the conch is destroyed and Piggy is killed by a boulder that is pushed from a mountainside by a chaos-consumed boy named Roger. Piggy was trying to remind the boys of the importance of rescue and how unity and peace should exist between the boys, but due to the lack of a strong and noble government, chaos and violence rules the kingdom of Castle Rock. The conch was the only remaining symbol of unity and stability, and it was crushed under the weight of a rock, which symbolically can be interpreted as the pressures of society and pure bedlam in society.The dark side of man is portrayed in the actions of the boys at Castle Rock. Because of these actions, â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy. † At this point in the novel, society is out of control and unorganized. The perils of man and the way society becomes tumultuous and coercive communicates the need for a stable head of government. For without a functioning government, chaos is able to run rampant and disorganization can spread wildly. Government helps to instill organization and keeps the people at peace of mind.The government makes corporal decisions that are usually for keeping social rebellions at ease and to keep daily lives functioning. History demonstrates these points, whether it be through the art works or the literary works, but still manage to communicate the ideals and power of the ruler of the time. Whether it be for a demonstration of power or a depiction of what society is like when not controlled, the purpose of the portrayals is to call for the use of a stable government in order to make a legacy for the empire in which the ruler has sovereignty.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Man has always sort ways of dealing with conflicts and disputes among members of the society in a just and fair manner. Alternative dispute resolution is one among the conflict resolution methods which have gained much acceptance from the public in the recent years.The process involves any form of dispute resolution technique that does not follow the legal judicial process provisions of the law (Maclaury, 2005). It is however worth noting that due to the increasing acceptance of alternative dispute resolution by legal professions, some legal courts allow for its use before a case is tried.Such are viable measures in ensuring equitable justice in resolving disputes between parties. They also provide an efficient and highly cost effective way of resolving disputes. To be realized here is the fact that, of all the existing types of alternative dispute resolution methods, none is applicable to victims of capital crimes (Mareschal, 2002). The author of this paper gives a discussion on alt ernative dispute resolution, its history and the different forms or methods it takes.The author also takes a look on the alternative dispute options as accepted in the modern society and how they have influenced the process of executing equitable justice between disputing parties. History of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) The history of alternative dispute resolution is as old as the history of man (Mackie, 2001). Disagreements have always existed among people in the society. However, the modern history of ADR in the American society is evidently marked with the 1960s political and civil conflicts (Banks, 2008).Such conflicts led to the implementation of human rights laws thus giving the people legal provisions for compensation on ill treatment. This was found to increase the number of legal suits in our courts of justice, a factor which led to the popular appreciation of meditation and arbitration as viable ways of resolving dispute. This did not only ensure justice but much reduced the case load in the court system. Alternative dispute resolution techniques There are mainly four type of ADR. First is negotiation.This technique of conflict resolution involves only the type disputing parties voluntarily seeking a solution to their dispute (New York State Unified Court System, 2009). Mediation is another form of dispute resolution technique which mainly involves a third party who chairs the resolution process. It is however to be noted here that the mediator might suggest a solution to the dispute but does not have the legal/moral authority to impose it to the parties. This method is commonly used in resolving civil and ethnic conflicts within a nation or conflicts between nations.The third method of alternative dispute resolution is the collaborative law. This technique is characterized by the fact that it involves attorneys representing the disputing parties (Mareschal, 2002). The legal professionals are tied by the contractual terms signed with their c lients and thus are always acting in the interests of their respective party. Arbitration is another commonly used technique of ADR. This form of resolution process is differentiated from negotiation in that it involves a third party.Another difference of arbitration from other forms of ADR is that the third party imposes a resolution to the problem. It is due to this reason that such a technique is usually used if the disputing parties had allowed for such in their contract (Maclaury, 2005). Due to the unfairness that could arise from such imposed resolutions, it is a common provision for parties to appeal in the courts of justice. It should however be noted that there are other forms of ADR such as case evaluation, which involves evaluation of the positions of the parties by a third party.The evaluator then gives an assessment of the possible decision that could be made in the law courts. Such evaluations by a legal expert are made to influence the parties in resolving to settle t he case outside the law courts. It is still to be noted that family conferences are another ADR technique as it strengthens the mutual relationships between family members thus reducing incidences of ill-treatment among them (Banks, 2008). Courts or individual parties can select a neutral party who contacts a fact searching investigation on the dispute.This technique is mainly applied in resolving intellectual property disputes. Lastly, ADR can take a form in which an organization selects a third party who oversees the resolution of its disputes with complaints. Changes and options provided in ADR Traditional ADR techniques involved the constant physical involvement of the parties in resolution process. It has however been evident that most modern ADR techniques like meditation and arbitration allow for the founding of a resolution by the third party in the absence of the disputing parties (Banks, 2008). Another change in ADR is seen in arbitration.Traditional arbitrations involved a member of the governing authority as the third party who imposes the resolution to the dispute (Center for Democracy and Governance, 1998). However, this has changed in that modern arbitration process has a neutral commercial vendor as the third party. This party should not have strong social or political influence in the process. This avoids imposition of unfair resolutions to the disputing parties. Another change of ADR techniques in the modern society is the legal provisions for appeal by the parties in the event of failure to resolve the dispute outside courtrooms.It is however to be noted that, following the legal provisions for ADR, rules and regulations have been developed thus making the process more reliable. It is due to this reason that such dispute resolution techniques are gaining much acceptance in the public domain. Courts have evidently employed such techniques as neutral fact finding in seeking to identify the underlying facts behind the dispute. Such testimonies have a great impact in ensuring fair and just judgments in our courts. ADR has a number of options. The first is the fact that the two parties involve in the resolution process on voluntary basis (Maclaury, 2005).Even arbitration requires for a legal binding provision on the contract signing to be executed. Another option is that the parties are free to agree or disagree on the disputed matter and can seek judicial justices as an appeal. It is however to be noted that ADR resolution once agreed upon by the two parties are legally binding and violation by any party is subject to the law. Conclusion ADR has been one way of settling disputes between parties in a contract agreement. This is also applied in disputes involving neglect of a legal responsibility by one party over another.It is however to be realized that such dispute resolution techniques have gained much acceptance in the community due to the increasing respect for human rights space in the modern society. This has also be en attributed to the fact that ADR has been legally recognized by our judicial systems. References Banks, S. (2008). ADR and Litigation Involving Social Problems. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 35, 71-97. Center for Democracy and Governance. (1998). Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioners’ Guide. Retrieved December 11, 2009, from http://www. pdf Mackie, K. (2001). A Handbook of Dispute Resolution; ADR in Action. New York: Routledge. Maclaury, J. (2005). Alternative Dispute Resolution. Monthly Labor Review, 128, 46-137. Mareschal, P. (2002). Introduction: New Frontiers in Alternative Dispute Resolution. International Journal of Public Administration, 25, 67-101. New York State Unified Court System (2009). Alternative Dispute Resolution. Retrieved December 11, 2009, from http://www. courts. state. ny. us/ip/adr/What_Is_ADR. shtml Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a mean used or applied by the parties who wish to settle their disputes or differences outside courtroom. When a learning team decides to resolve disputes, disagreements or differences among learning team members, it can use optional ADR clause.The clause is normally used when the matter is not resolved through negotiation and is recommended to the team by the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR). Some of the disputes subjected to ADR are: Personal confrontation, dispute over goals, disagreement over methods, means and routines, dispute expected as health interaction etc.Disputes arise when team members think only of themselves, compete with one another, criticize teammates and blame someone else for wrongdoing. Dispute is endemic in organizational life and research shows that â€Å"conflict can often be a means by which teams learn to work together effectively.† (Charles, 2001)The provisions necessary for ADR to occur  Ã‚  Ã‚   includ es: If a team member expresses dissatisfaction with the recommendation of the team, if a member expresses dissatisfaction with a decision made by the team, if a member is dissatisfied with teams' determination to solve a dispute, then they may submit the entire dispute to the ADR clause. Though ADR helps the parties to settle the disputes, for the process to work effectively then;Team members must agree to work with dispute that affect interpersonal relationships of the team and accept the dispute as it exists. Members should progressively learn how to discuss issues vigorously, handle each member and engage in arguments without feeling as if they are personally attacked.They should emphasize on dialogue between the members, avoid gossip and make sure not to expose team discussions outside.   The public policy reasons for enforcing the clause should be good.The ADR clause must go much further than coming up with a simple agreement to negotiate.The intention of the members should b e mutual and the litigation should be treated as the last alternative.   ADR need to be applied as the last resort when the team fails to reach an agreement to settle their differences.ReferencesCharles A. Cooper, (2001) Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice Guide. New York: Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company.Nancy F. Atlas, (2000) Alternative Dispute Resolution. New York: American Bar Association.